Anderson Cooper Transforms Village Firehouse…Decorator Sues? What Happened!

Anderson Cooper has been a prominent source in the news industry. The once “Mole” host turned “360” anchor has his eyes on a huge design project. In September 2009, Cooper purchased an antique firehouse in New York’s cultural Greenwich Village. The 8200 square foot home is reminiscent of the Beaux Art era and boasts spiral staircases, wall murals, and brass fire poles. With so much work on CNN and  live coverage in Haiti, does Cooper have time for such a hefty renovation?

photo from Huffington Post
Drama, Drama, Drama
How did such a wonderful renovation project turn into a nasty lawsuit? While things remain a bit sketchy here is what we know:
  • Anderson Cooper purchases a Village firehouse from the New York Board of Fire Underwriters for $4.3 million
  • Cooper hires Cary Tamarkin of Tamarkin Co., a well known architect and real estate developer to oversee renovation
  • Tamarkin’s team begin demolition work on firehouse though renovation plans were not filed with the city
  • Interior designer Killian O’ Brien is hired and begins work. On September 22, 2009, O’Brien falls 17 feet through a hole. It is reported that the hole once accommodated a fire pole that was removed; the hole was sealed, but the covering was reopened. Killian sustained severe injuries
  • In November 2009, a lawsuit is filed in the state Supreme Court of Manhattan suing both Cooper and Tamarkin Co.
What a mess. It is very unfortunate that anyone was hurt so badly in this renovation. Killian O’ Brien is extremely fortunate that her fall was not fatal. In a search for answers, no party is commenting nor available for comment. The million dollar (perhaps multi-million in this case) remains, who is to blame? Is it fair to sue Anderson Cooper as New York City Department of Buildings require a licensed architect/project engineer to file all paperwork, obtain permits, and oversee inspections?
No resolution has been made.

photo from Huffington Post

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