Eriagun by Bwana Spoons and Gargamel
Bwana Spoons is an artist from Portland, Oregon. His paintings (which can be viewed at his own grasshut corp ) have a style that is very recognizeable as his own. They are very organic and illustrative. I'm not sure when it happened, but Bwana moved into the world of toy production as well with figures like Steven the Bat and Edward the Gator I assume from his paintings, and then kaiju pieces produced with the help of Gargamel. Bwana has what appears to be a fantastic working relationship with Gargamel as he has released a whole series of figures with his unique coloring style including this figure, the Papastroyer, the Killer whales, Bakobas, the pet of Papa and Eriagun, and all the minis that correspond. I think there is a little story behind the series of Gargamel Hedoran colorways, which was a real drawing point for me. Each figure (except for the mini Pupstroyer) came with a print of an accompanying Bwana painting of the figure. The paintings themselves create characters out o...