Chaola the Ugandan Mutant
My first real custom paint job! I am by no means a Real Head (リアルヘッド) fan... in fact the set I bought of unpainted figures was my first figures from the line outside of one figure what was part of this year's Super7 Halloween set. (and my Super7 Halloween set has since been sold off) Here is the set: Mutant Chaos on the left, Jinja-R next (which I did not get as it was a random drawing), Akrokaiser with the big head, and Mutant Evil on the right with the antennae. They honestly still don't do anything for me outside of perhaps the Chaos. Perhaps. Anyway, I busted out the hairdryer and my concentration face and mixed them all up because ultimately I wanted a Chaosman to customize. Here's what I came up with: The Chaosman: (Mutant Chaos head on Mutant Evil body) Caveman Akro: (Akrokaiser head on Mutant Chaos body and Mutant Evil right arm) Cell Evil: (Mutant Evil head on Akrokaiser body and "damaged" Chaos right arm) I hope to actually paint this one to look like C...