
Showing posts from August, 2010

Mailbox Monday (08-30-10 edition)

Image licensed from Copyright stands Mailbox Monday is brought to us by The Printed Page . Here are just some of the books I've received over the last few weeks: The Lion (John Corey Series #5) by Nelson DeMille Won from Thoughts in Progress Detective John Corey, last seen in Plum Island, now faces his toughest assignment yet: the pursuit and capture of the world's most dangerous terrorist — a young Arab known as "The Lion" who has baffled a federal task force and shows no sign of stopping in his quest for revenge against the American pilots who bombed Libya and killed his family. Filled with unrelenting suspense and surprising plot twists at every terrifying turn, THE LION'S GAME is a heartstopping race against time and one of Nelson DeMille's most riveting thrillers. (For some reason, I received two of these audiobooks: one abridged and one unabridged. I'll be giving the abridged version away some time in the future.) Full M...

Monday Blues~

How I wish things could be a little bit more different as maybe we could start work abit later and end normal. I wonder if there is anyone (working people) in this world ever do love or atleast like Mondays.   Well mondays are mondays. Came into office as usual to listen to all the moans and groans from everywhere. Facebook, twitter, blogs, colleagues, friends and even customers. How depressing.   It's sad I know. Never remember any Mondays where I've been crazy hyper or happy about. =( That's when I actually saw this quote which says ,   Coming to think of it. Yea how true. LOL. The only great news so far is that tomorrow onwards my schedule has changed to 10.00 - 20-00! How glad that I could actually move around even slower in the mornings before work! I love to laze around in the mornings as am never a morning person but sadly work is daytime.  How nice would it be if everyone works in the night? That's cool ain't it? XD I know I did mention about a post about t...

Book Giveaways in Blogworld (08-29-10 edition)

Note: A reminder that you are free to email me about any giveaways that you are having, if you want me to blog them, and I'll be happy to try to post them even if I am not entering them. Just include a link to the giveaway, what you are giving away, how many copies are being given away, and the deadline in order to assure being included. Email me at nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com. Here is a list of some giveaways going on in Blogworld*. Please note that new giveaways that were added this week are indented in Blockquotes: MomStart is giving away a gift pack of the book White Heat, White Heat lip gloss, and $25 Visa Cash Card. Deadline is August 30. US only. Bookin' with Bingo is giving away Amish Proverbs. Deadline is August 30. US only. The Eclectic Reader is giving away your choice of 3 books. Deadline is August 31. International! Reading for Insanity is giving away 3 copies of The Reapers are the Angels. Deadline is August 31. US/Canada only. Just Jennifer Reading is giving aw...

Steam Boat Night~!

Yesterday was my best friend's birthday. Thomaz Chee Chee (just joking) has officially joined the 2D club! Yep! He is 20 years old now! So to celebrate we all went out for steamboat with a couple of guys from my old condo with whom we did alot of crazy stuffs. Since I've been to Tasty Pot Steamboat a couple of times, decided to go there again.   Yep! That's the place!! It's kinda cheap for how it looks though. RM26.80 per person for buffet steamboat and then plus drinks and all about 30 bucks per person? LOL I dunno... XD The do have alot of choices of food. Though I wasn't really a fan of steamboat, I really wouldn't mind to go here and eat! It's cheap and nice!!! Plus I can eat as much I want until I wanna explode also still same price! XD           Well steamboat is not the only thing they have over there! They also have.......   Looking at all this pics am hungry already!! *drools and pat pat tummy* Gosh the food is really really awesome over here!...

I Wanna...In the Land of Cotton by Martha A. Taylor

SLAVERY IS MORE THAN CHAINS AND SHACKLES SLAVERY IS A STATE OF MIND Immerse yourself in this highly anticipated political docu-drama set in the Deep South amidst the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement. Martha was a young white girl living in the Deep South, inundated with the racist sentiments of the times. But Martha's natural curiosity and generous heart led her to question this racial divide. When she discovered a primitive Negro family living deep in the woods near her house, everyone's life changed forever. Take the journey of a lifetime alongside Martha as she forges relationships that lead to self discovery and a clearer understanding of the world around her. In the Land of Cotton provides an outstanding snapshot of life in the South during those troubled times - a snapshot everyone should take a close look at, regardless of era or color. The year was 1956.

Grown Ups~!

The other day me and one of my good friends were supose to be hunting for our favourite satay when eventually we realized that due to Puasa, they are closed! So ended up going for nasi lemak ayam and then sudden plan for movie. Apparently the only movie available was....   And it was 25th Night!!! I was so happy because I so wanted to watch this movie and I knew this wasn't a movie to be missed! Story plot is below... ******************************************************************************* In 1978, five friends win their junior high basketball championship. During the celebration, their coach "Buzzer" ( Blake Clark ) encourages them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. 32 years later, the five friends have since separated. Lenny Feder ( Adam Sandler ) is a high powered Hollywood talent agent who is married to Roxanne ( Salma Hayek ), a fashion designer. Together, they have two sons, Greg and Keith, and one daughter Becky, all of ...


I am sorry if I am abit dumb over this! Recently I realized there was alot of visitors from overseas and being a newbie blogger thats freaking awesome for me!!! LOL So I was abit curious and kinda so I went off to make a search what was it that brought foreigners to ma blog. And realized my post about Men's PMS is the popular search and eventually I was in the 2nd in the list!!! XD   This is the pic!!  OMG!! I know I sound so bimbotic but this is just awesome for me!!! XD Also managed to catch "Grown Ups" already so the review would post it up soon!!!

Attention Whore!!

The past 3 days have been really tiring for me as my car decided it's going to get all the attention it could from where ever it could!! It all started on last Tuesday that when I just got off work and I just got past Kelana Jaya LRT when my car started to let out tiny "honks" every time I turned my steering. I thought there was something wrong with me that I actually pressed it accidentally and eventually it stopped once I passed that area there was no more problem until I just turned into Sunway. I was just in the lane between Pyramid and Public going into Pyramid jamming, and my car just got off "BBBBBbbbbbbbbbeeeeEEeeeeeeeeEeeeePPPPpppppPPPPP" all the way and I totally panicked!! I was like wtf?! Everyone over there was already giving all kinda weird looks! *hide face under shirt* Some even came up to me as if I was the 1 doing in purpose until they saw my hand was away from the steering that they just burst and walked away.  It was still honking non-stop un...

Donate for Adoption and Enter to win a Signed Shiver/Linger

Babbling Flow is having a great giveaway in an attempt to help raise money to adopt a young girl from China. CJ Redwine is adopting an orphan from China, and after five years of waiting, the time is nearly here! Unfortunately the process has dragged out, and during that time China has significantly raised the cost of adoption in their country, and they have found themselves short $8,000 to complete the adoption. So how can you help? Just click the "Skip a Starbucks" button above, and donate! And if you donate at least $5, you will be entered to win a signed set of Shiver/Linger by Maggie Stiefvater , thanks to Babbling Flow ! The deadline is August 26th, and there are several ways to get additional entries. Go now! It's for a great cause! Click here to enter the giveaway and learn more!

Cop Out~

Been like missing out on everything due to busy weeks with work while weekends too exhausted so end up hibernating so didn't really go out much. But eventually yesterday I managed to catch some time out with a few of my friends to go out drinking. I so don't wanna talk about the drinking part as it was kinda lame.... But after done, we guys went to one of my mate's house to watch a movie. We had 2 options which was either Cop Out or Behind Enemy Lanes II but the rest opted to watch Cop Out.   Since I used to watch Bruce Willis alot, this movie was damn dumb! Hated it so much that I felt literally sober watching the movie. It was that bad! However if you were the type who loves the American Jokes then this is a movie to watch!           Well there isn't much to talk about this movie as it was kinda standard NYPD movie. Hoping to catch some new movies soon. Next week have 2 birthdays coming up so saturday next week seems like a busy week. Hopely would be able...

REVIEW: The Good Son by Michael Gruber

Synopsis Somewhere in Pakistan, Sonia Laghari and eight fellow members of a symposium on peace are being held captive by armed terrorists. Sonia, a deeply religious woman as well as a Jungian psychologist, has become the de facto leader of the kidnapped group. While her son Theo, an ex-Delta soldier, uses his military connections to find and free the victims, Sonia tries to keep them all alive by working her way into the kidnappers' psyches and interpreting their dreams. With her knowledge of their language, her familiarity with their religion, and her Jungian training, Sonia confounds her captors with her insights and beliefs. Meanwhile, when the kidnappers decide to kill their captives, one by one, in retaliation for perceived crimes against their country, Theo races against the clock to try and save their lives. About the Author Biography Michael Gruber, in his own words: I was born and raised in New York City, and educated in its public schools. I went to Columbia, earning a...

Book Giveaways in Blogworld (08-21-10 edition)

Note: A reminder that you are free to email me about any giveaways that you are having, if you want me to blog them, and I'll be happy to try to post them even if I am not entering them. Just include a link to the giveaway, what you are giving away, how many copies are being given away, and the deadline in order to assure being included. Email me at nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com. Here is a list of some giveaways going on in Blogworld*. Please note that new giveaways that were added this week are indented in Blockquotes: Peeking Between the Pages is giving away a copy of Never Say Goodbye. Deadline is August 21. US/Canada only. Peeking Between the Pages is giving away 3 copies of Follow Me. Deadline is August 22. US/Canada only. Historically Obsessed is giving away a copy of The Red Queen. Deadline is August 23. US only. Broken Teepee is giving away 3 copies of Wicked Intentions. Deadline is August 24. US/Canada only. Just Jennifer Reading is giving away 3 copies of The Glamour of ...

I Wanna...Hot House Flower: and the Nine Plants of Desire by Margot Berwin

In the heart of New York City, hidden in the back room of an old Laundromat, are nine rare and valuable plants. Hothouse Flower and the Nine Plants of Desire tells the story of this legendary garden, and the distance one woman must travel—from the cold, harsh streets of Manhattan to the lush jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula—to claim what is hers. Lila Nova lives alone in a plain, white box of an apartment. Recovering from a heartbreaking divorce, Lila’s life is like her home: simple, new, and empty. But when she meets a handsome plant-seller named David Exley, an entire world opens up before her eyes. Late one night Lila stumbles across a strange Laundromat and sees ferns so highly-prized that a tiny cutting can fetch thousands of dollars. She learns about flowers with medicinal properties to rival anything found in drugstores. And she hears the legend of nine mystical plants that bring fame, fortune, immortality, and passion. The owner of the Laundromat, Armand, presents...

Great Giveaway for Book Clubs!

I'm not currently a member of a reading group, so this one doesn't fit me. But I wanted to alert those of you who are involved in book groups that is having a big giveaway. was begun 10 years ago in hopes of connecting book groups with books and authors. Presently with more than 11,000 newsletter subscribers, 10,000 registered book groups and 3,000 discussion guides listed, it has become an online community for more than 185,000 unique visitors each month. This month will be giving away $10,000 in prizes in the 10th Anniversary Contest. To enter to win, just have your reading group share your "Top 10 Favorite Discussion Books." The prizes are 50 $200 gift certificates to treat book clubs to a month’s worth of discussion books. The contest is open through August 31st . You can find more at: contests/1005-10th- anniversary-contest.asp .

Innocent Lives~

I was actually going through some readings online and then somehow I had to come across an article about Infants being dumped here and there.... I mean I do understand that accidents happen but don't have to go all the way to throw them or dump them here and there right? This is just so insane and sickening.... The news article is as below.... ******************************************************************************* 'Most infants die in dumps' KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 472 baby-dumping cases were reported nationwide in the past five years and more than half of the infants were found dead. Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Datuk Seri Bakri Zinin said there was an alarming increase in baby-dumping cases each year since 2005. This year, 65 cases of baby dumping were reported. Twenty-six of the cases involved baby boys, 25 baby girls and the remaining 14 were foetuses. Most of these babies died after being dumped. "From the 65 case...

Mailbox Monday (08-16-10 edition)

Image licensed from Copyright stands. Mailbox Monday is brought to us by The Printed Page . Here are just some of the books I've received over the last few weeks: Wrong: Why Experts Keep Failing Us and How to Know When Not to Trust Them by David H. Freedman Won from Just Jennifer Reading Our investments are devastated, obesity is epidemic, test scores are in decline, blue-chip companies circle the drain, and popular medications turn out to be ineffective and even dangerous. What happened? Didn't we listen to the scientists, economists and other experts who promised us that if we followed their advice all would be well? Actually, those experts are a big reason we're in this mess. And, according to acclaimed business and science writer David H. Freedman, such expert counsel usually turns out to be wrong--often wildly so. Wrong reveals the dangerously distorted ways experts come up with their advice, and why the most heavily flawed conclusions...