Read-a-Thon Fall 2009: Hour 11 Update

Well, I'm still not doing as well as I hoped. I am just terrible at staying focused. The older I get, the harder it is to do.

Title of book(s) read since last update:I'm working on The Hunger Games, but haven't completed anything since the last update.
Number of books read since started:1 completed, currently reading The Hunger Games
Pages read since last update:51
Running total of pages read since started:94
Amount of time spent reading since last update:55 mins
Running total of time spent reading since started:(keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!) 2 hr and 16 mins
Mini-challenges completed:Probably 3 or 4
Prizes won:0
Junk fuel ingested:Sour cream and onion chips and coke. Heading to the store now to stock up on candy.

So, as usual, I'm not doing that well and may or may not reach my goals. But the good news is that I finished reading The Heretic Queen, which was a great book, and am now reading The Hunger Games and really enjoying it. And that is the point, right?

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