Is That all I talk about? I guess it's just a conversation filler because, yes, I work at a movie store.
Oh, I watch them occasionally. I usually enjoy them. Because I'm careful about what I watch and generally go for my preconcieved enjoyable "genres".
Here's a Ranking:
Comedy...lowbrow, independent, romantic, blue, I like it all
Sci-Fi... yeah.
Horror... I guess... I don't really like to be scared but I like fantasy bizarre-ness and this "genre" has the most creativity... Mostly zombies, monsters, and cheesepuff slasher bullshit.
Ahh, and westerns. I like most westerns I see. Cuz it's... history, accurately represented...
And everything else falls into the same mostly unused category:
Drama, stuffy drama, period piece, biopic, arthouse, foreign arthouse, romance, east coast gangster barf, new wave, french new wave, italian new wave, croatian third wave.... blah blah blah.
not to say I don't pretty much like every movie I see, I just don't challenge myself often.
More to Come!